34 thoughts on “COMPLAINT phone call to SMYRNA police depart. regarding sergeant cason

  1. Decades of complaints – clearly complaints don't do the trick, it's going to take the PEOPLE ! Millions ! have to stand strong against this.. ALL this mess !

  2. My god your annoying. Go find a hobby or a women and do something better with your life than to call and harass the same men that would put their life on the line for you. Worthless idiot

  3. Did he tell you to, "feel free to lodge a complaint and then take a number"?
    It sounded like that.
    I'm only surprised one would be so honest.

  4. JF0 Thanks to you for all your good work. I appreciate what you do. – Just FYI – I spend parts of two days on the telephone trying to get to somebody of value. No luck. Trying to give GCW a little "air cover" from Colorado. Yesterday I sent a postal letter to Cason and followed up today with electronic links to the letter to the Chief, the mayor, and all council members. Here's a link to the letter – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1bx-9sD1ILkyWn1nb7CWL9wit892T45-x. And I'm not done. More to come. Remember…America is Watching!

  5. Hello mr. O, just to let you know I filed a complaint too even though I live in the Netherlands. (shhhh) Since you can file a complaint anonymously I figured I might as well help you guys out a little. 😉 Because a tyrant is a tyrant no matter from which country.

  6. So many gang members to talk to. None that have any answers to our questions. The blue line fucking us again. Keep up the great work. You're the man J5O STAY SAFE

  7. Remember the good old days, just a blip in time in the whole scheme of things, when an actual human would answer the phone?

  8. Why do they ALWAYS defend each other? They always say some shit like "I'm not familiar with his mindset" or "I wasn't there" or "I wasn't the first to respond" or something. Why can' t they just say "Yes, officer XXX fucked up and he/she was fucking WRONG!"

  9. What's the point of bitching about an auto attendant? What's the point in being rude and snarky to the people who answer the phones? What did you accomplish? Nothing. You're just making more people angry. Do something CONSTRUCTIVE.

  10. The Sgt I talked to defended the illegal detention and violation of constitutional rights under the pretense of officer safety. He was so brainwashed that he was not capable of understanding BS claims of officer safety DID NOT trump violations of a citizens constitutional rights.

    As the Sgt kept throwing BS out, I kept interrupting him with facts until he very strongly complained about my interrupting him. I then loudly told him that he now understood how the citizen felt as Sgt Cason repeatedly interrupted the citizen. That pissed the desk Sgt off. But even better was when I totally pissed the desk Sgt off by noting that he was just as BAD a cop as Sgt Cason was because he could not understand why the detention was illegal.

    Keep calling them because the department seems to be infested with bad cops.

  11. How long do you think it will be before a California law enforcement agency charges you with unlawful recording of a phone conversation?

    California's wiretapping law is a "two-party consent" law. California makes it a crime to record or eavesdrop on any confidential communication, including a private conversation or telephone call, without the consent of all parties to the conversation.

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